The Lost Lemon Demon Album

I am a HUGE fan of the band Lemon Demon. I thought I knew all the albums, so I got surprised when I found out there was a LOST lemon demon album! It was supposedly called "Diablo",and was released on 6/6/06. It got deleted though, for many complains on being too violent. Weirdly, things like Bad Idea, and other VERY violent songs were never taken down. But, one of my friends sent me this album, but there was a (VERY CLICHED) note on the album.
Dear Pix,
This album MUST BE DESTROYED! I can't destroy it, because if I do, Diablo will kill me! I at least can send it to you, BUT DESTROY IT NOW!
Also, at your college graduation last month, your fly was down. Forgot to tell you that that day.
Thanks, Bobby.
It's Lemon Demon, and it's free! I instantly put it in my computer to listen to, not thinking that this is the start to a LOT of creepypasta stories!
When I put it inside, it started playing a really dark song, probably the reason why it was deleted. It was about a murderer named Diablo. He tried to get into the band, but he failed at all the instruments. After Neil told Diablo that he can't be in the band, he tried to murder Neil CiciMcgee. Instead, he murdered the other members. This is the reason why Lemon Demon is a one-man-band. But when Lemon Demon did its first live performance, Diablo killed the audience!
The next 3 songs were all songs from Hip From The Javabean. Sunbeam Light Show Flower Seed,Your Evil Shadow Has A Cup Of Tea, and Telekinesis. During these, I looked up Diablo Murderer in Google. The first song actually was a true story, and that the police arrested him. The police then killed him. So why would Diablo try to kill Bobby? Ghosts aren't real.
The 5th song was a song, that when you put it into a Wave Recorder, it makes a picture with Diablo killing another person. Nothing much. But the 6th song is where it gets real!
The 6th song was only a song I got half way through. When I listened to it, Diablo came up. He grabbed me to a new room. Then I got a new letter from Bobby. It said:
Dear Pix,
Thanks for letting me go out of Diablos hands! But, now Diablo is going to kill you.
I am very scared for you.
Let's hope that you do not die from Diablo!
(probably) Goodbye forever, Bobby.
The room was dark red. There was a huge chainsaw next to him.
I ran as fast as I could from the ghost of Diablo, through a door which led me to a (probably) bottomless pit filled with doors.
I moved to the right, pulling a door that says "Rooms 13-666"
I was in a dark hallway, with Diablo's ghost coming near.
I ran to the 45th door, and hid in a basement. Diablo still found me.
Diablo almost cut my head off until I climbed up the ladder and into the hallway.
I ran, until time started to break. Everything froze.
I opened a door, giving me to another hallway, but with times instead of rooms.
Diablo jumped in my face, pulling me to a computer, where I am writing this right now. If I destroy the disk, I'm dead.
So, I never did. I just kept on writing.
Part 2:
Part 3:
Spinoff with Tally Hall?: COMING OUT SOON